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    March 06, 2023 1 min read

    Optimize Your Planter Pass with these PFR Proven™ Strategies:

    1. Planting Date: Planting is the most important pass of the year. Planting early gives the crop more opportunity to capture sunlight, and, in the case of corn, allows for more carbohydrates to be produced and potentially stored for use during grain fill.

    2. Closing Wheels: Closing the see trench and optimizing seed-to-soil contact is essential for uniform emergence, which leads to higher yields. PFR Proven data indicates that nearly all aftermarket closing wheels have performed better than the two solid rubber wheels. 

    3. Row Cleaners: Adding row cleaners to planters is a PFR Proven practice as it helps move residue out of the way of the planter gauge wheels, which is important for a smooth row-unit ride and positive engagement with the soil. It is also crucial that the residue is removed ahead of the seed disc opener to prevent any hair-pinning of residue.


    4. 2x2x2: Roots will proliferate in the presence of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen. Feeding and building the roots on both sides of the plant will provide a more stable anchor and allow it to access more of the soil profile.

    5. Hydraulic Downforce: Installing a hydraulic downforce system is one of the best improvements you can make to your planter. If you currently have a spring system and want to upgrade, we suggest bypassing an air system and upgrading to a hydraulic system. DeltaForce® from Precision Planting is a row-by-row control hydraulic downforce system the utilizes a load pin on every row to gather information about the current field conditions.


    “2022 Practical Farm Research.” Beck's Hybrids, 2023.